La collaboration entre le designer français Patrick Norguet et l'éditeur italien Tacchini continue cette année avec l'agrandissement de la gamme Jacket grâce à une version outdoor. Jacket Outdoor reprend donc tout ce qui fait le charme de Jacket Indoor : une structure tubulaire minimaliste (en acier laqué inoxydable) sur laquelle vient se poser une assise en lattes de bois. Difficile de faire plus simple... et efficace ! Aux antipodes du mobilier outdoor bling xxl, cette collection vise un public d'esthètes qui souhaitent aller à l'essentiel : beau design et matériaux adaptés à un usage intensif en extérieur. Cette collection reflète parfaitement la nouvelle direction prise par Tacchini, qui tente de sortir du tout design italien pour créer des collections singulières, un style identifiable au premier coup d'oeil, différent de celui des grandes maisons italiennes...
The partnership between Patrick Norguet, the internationally-renowned French designer, with Tacchini, the Italian contract furniture brand synonymous with excellence, has yielded a new proposal for outdoor living. Jacket Outdoor opens up new possibilities of use for the Jacket armchair, revealing its sleek and sophisticated frame : powder-coated and weather resistant metal tubing with a 30 mm diameter. The broad shell, which is also made of metal, has been made even more comfortable and snug with a thin pillow in different fabrics and colors suitable for outdoor use. The Jacket Outdoor chair may be paired up with a matching furnishing element to be used as a seat or surface top. The set is completed by Trio, a small round table with a tubular frame that incorporates Jacket Outdoor’s soft, flowing lines, creating an elegant visual play of repetition and harmonies, even in multiple compositions of armchairs, ottomans and tables. All this with Tacchini’s usual impeccable quality and carefully selected materials to ensure a perfect look and feel, with a durability that extends over time, season after season.