Avec Float, le designer Karim Rashid a réussi à dessiner un modèle de canapé qui respecte notre propre univers, lorsque nous nous trouvons dans des espaces publics (lobbys d'hôtels, salon lounge) ou même à la maison . Float est un divan contemporain pensé pour de multiples utilisations. Sa mince assise flottante avec dossier mural incorporé, nous confère un espace privatisé dans un environnement ouvert pour nous allonger, déposer nos affaires, ou encore simplement attendre.
Une des principales caractéristiques des designs de Karim Rashid est, à priori, ses combinaisons de couleurs impossibles. Les produits Sancal sont quant à eux habituellement moins vifs. Avec Float, le designer et l'éditeur sont arrivés à un parfait équilibre, en donnant de l’importance aux textures et en réservant les notes de couleurs à des petits détails comme les repose-bras et les coussins. Chaque composant du Float (accoudoirs, assise, dossier, appuie-tête) peut être choisi dans un revêtement différent, mais il existe aussi une version avec le choix d’un tissu unique.
Float existe dans 3 dimensions : 2 canapés avec dossier bas et 1 canapé avec dossier haut. Ce dernier possède différentes configurations : en plus des bras droits, il est possible de choisir un bras incliné qui permet de s’allonger en mode Divan. On peut aussi intégrer des portemanteaux sur la version dossier haut, comme s’ il s’agissait d’un mur. Pour les coussins et les appuie-tête, Karim a dessiné une série de motifs nommés Cairo (Le Caire). La collection est inspirée de son Egypte natale. Sous une optique très contemporaine Karim Rashid associe tradition et souvenirs personnels, et teint de couleurs lumineuses quelques dessins de géométrie organique.
Hand in hand with Karim Rashid, Sancal has managed to
create a seat that respects our own universe when we cohabit in public
Float is a contemporary couch designed for multiple purposes. This slim
floating seat with incorporated back wall provides complete privacy in
open spaces, to rest back on, hang one’s scarf or coat on or simply wait
in the secluded area given by its high back.
One of the main characteristics of Karim’s designs is their colourful combinations, which at first sight seem not possible. Sancal products, on the other hand, are less vibrant. Float offers the perfect balance, as we have granted greater relevance to the textures and reserved the touches of colour for smaller detail such as the headrest or cushions. Each Float component (arms, seat, back and headrest) can be selected in a different fabric. There is also a single colour option, upholstered with the same fabric.
Float is available in 3 sizes: two sofas with a low back and one sofa with a high back. The latter offers different combinations: apart from the straight arms, you can choose an inclined arm to lie back on like a divan. Furthermore, two hangers can be attached to the high back as if as it were a wall. As for the cushions and headrests, Karim has also designed a series of patterns named Cairo. The collection is inspired in Egypt, where he was born. With a strong contemporary approach, Karim unites tradition and personal memories, adding bright colours to pictures of organic geometry.
One of the main characteristics of Karim’s designs is their colourful combinations, which at first sight seem not possible. Sancal products, on the other hand, are less vibrant. Float offers the perfect balance, as we have granted greater relevance to the textures and reserved the touches of colour for smaller detail such as the headrest or cushions. Each Float component (arms, seat, back and headrest) can be selected in a different fabric. There is also a single colour option, upholstered with the same fabric.
Float is available in 3 sizes: two sofas with a low back and one sofa with a high back. The latter offers different combinations: apart from the straight arms, you can choose an inclined arm to lie back on like a divan. Furthermore, two hangers can be attached to the high back as if as it were a wall. As for the cushions and headrests, Karim has also designed a series of patterns named Cairo. The collection is inspired in Egypt, where he was born. With a strong contemporary approach, Karim unites tradition and personal memories, adding bright colours to pictures of organic geometry.
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